
[转帖] [原创] 让你欲罢不能的捷克甜心 Monica Sweetheart [30P]


[原创] 让你欲罢不能的捷克甜心 Monica Sweetheart [30P]

Monica Sweetheart 的个人小档案
  本名:Monika Listopadová
  身高:5 ft 9 in (1.75 m)
  体重:105 lb (59 kg)
  艺名:Monika Listopadová, Monika Sweetheart, Monica Sweetheart  

1981年6月23日,伴随夏日脚步的临近,可爱的姑娘Monica Sweetheart(原名Monika Listopadová)诞生在原捷克斯洛伐克西部著名的交通重镇贝隆(Beroun。背景资料:贝隆始建于1265年,毗邻布拉格,处于布拉格、捷克西部与德国之间的交汇处,有原住居民1万8千人,是地区文化、政治、轻型和中型工业中心,同时是重要的交通枢纽。如果你去捷克旅游或度假,一般都不可能错过此地!)。
  年满十八岁之后不久,大约在2000年左右,Monica开始涉足成人影视。刚入道的Monica出演了 Buttman's Anal Show 2 这部影片,甜美的扮相和出色的演技让她一炮走红,迅速声名远播。和一般的欧洲成人女演员不同的是,Monica能说一口流利的英语,因此她也获得了不少在美国业界出演的机会,使北美观众能够一睹她的风采。在不少影片(场景)中,Monica还与身体强悍的非裔美国人合作演出,充分展示了自己在业界的表演能力。现在,Monica往来奔波于布拉格和美国,务求使自己成为一个真正的国际化明星。她的代理商已经由过去的LA Direct Models转变为现在Absolute Stars(Czech agency)。在演出之外,Monica已经开始尝试为片商Zero Tolerance担任影片导演,她在一个叫做Monica's Sweethearts(Monica的情人们)的系列电影中做到了自编自导自演。过去我认为这种才华是很多长相美貌但是头脑简单的业内女星所不具备的,但是Monica做到了,而且做得很好。她是一个令人惊奇的姑娘,很有天赋。在那些努力工作的成人演员中,总有一两位出众的人物,Monica无疑是她们中的佼佼者之一。Monica绝对值得我们称赞。
  AdultDVDTalk的Astroknight曾经对Monica进行了一次简短的采访,我注意到,他在文中提到:Monica是一个总是耐心而亲切的人。对业界的女演员来说,这种品格是非常难能可贵的,甚至可以说非常稀有。而我看到我国不少演员对待身边的工作人员总是耍大牌,一副盛气凌人的样子,简直还比不上人家的Porn Star!Monica还说她很喜欢为片商Zero Tolerance拍摄影片,也许是因为Zero Tolerance让演员自己对影片有一定的支配权,而不是要求她们一味服从。
  这是题外话,Monica是Robbie Williams的超级歌迷,7月18日她专门开了7个小时的车跑到匈牙利首都布达佩斯去观看Robbie Williams的个人专场音乐会。其实我个人也有一些Robbie Williams的唱片,比如 Sing When You're Winning、Swing When You're Winning 和 Intensive Care 。我认为Robbie Williams的音乐还是不错的,很有特点。
  从Monica口中我们可以得知,美国对业界女演员的保护要远好于欧洲,那里很干净,每个演员都要经过严格的体检才能上岗,这也是她为什么喜欢到美国拍片的原因。"那真的很好!"Monica说。我不禁再次想到可怜的Lea De Mae,她的死Private是要负很大责任的!
  除了可爱之外,Monica还兼具优雅和性感。优雅是一种感觉,这感觉来源于丰富的内涵和感性的完美结合。一个容貌美丽的女人未必优雅,而优雅的女人一定"美丽"。她们通常是经典的,自然的,却又有着耐人寻味的迷人风情……不能不承认,可爱的Monica同时又是优雅的。最令人心动的是,她有一双很美的眼睛,长长的睫毛,脉脉含情,温柔异常。我觉得Monica在 My Plaything Monica Sweetheart、Two in the Seat #3、Apprentass、Natacha四张DVD封面上的眼睛最美,不要说男人无法拒绝,连女性也会被她深深吸引……Monica有着流畅的曲线,完美的胸部和光洁的肌肤。1米75的身高和一双无比修长的美腿也是她全身最大的亮点,而且身材特别匀称。这个典型的长腿美人,无论她如何穿着,总是能成为众人瞩目的焦点。性感则是Monica在业界取胜的致命武器,她似乎有永远无法满足的欲望,这让她看起来充满活力,充满自信。有人说,巨蟹座的女人对性爱有一种逆来顺受的特质,几乎没有底线。Monica在镜头前总是如此出色,从单人场景到多人场景,她是当之无愧的Anal sex的女王--可不是什么人都可以有这种功力和效果的。除此之外,她的脸上总是挂着迷人的微笑。仿佛要告诉你,她是多么热爱这个,她爱自己,爱所有的人,更爱生活,她总是那么充满了活力!Monica堪称最解放自我的美人。
  如果你要问我最喜欢Monica这200多部影片中的哪一部,首先我当然会选择 My Plaything: Monica Sweetheart。Adultdvdtalk的一片评论(Review)说:由于她的性感和美貌,你很容易了解为什么她多年来一直有那么多爱好者。这也是她被Digital Plaything看中,并入选My Plaything系列的原因。的确,对一个你所喜爱的明星来说,没有什么比My Playing这个系列更让人感兴趣了,除了能最大限度给你真实感的互动操作之外,整个影片展示的是明星所能展示的一切。在My Plaything: Monica Sweetheart中,Monica看起来美极了,一切都很自然。这部影片在虚拟系列中是非常完美的一部,甚至在它已经发行几年后,它仍然是值得人们记住的一部。此外,The Academy中的场景也是我所喜欢的。虽然这是Monica的一部早期作品,但是品质相当不凡。这个场景发生在一所培养浪漫影视明星的欢乐学院里,同样来自捷克的大美人Daniella Rush与男演员David Perry为Monica和她的女同学们上了一堂生动的实践课程。Monica的很多精彩片段都集中体现在The Private Story of Monica Sweetheart中(我很奇怪为什么Private不沿用Life系列而改用Story系列)。
  有一位朋友评价说,Monica在Private's Matador #05中扮演的女职员也是比较成功的形象,因为和她演对手戏的两位男演员真的度过了一个"令人难忘的假日",而Monica似乎也很投入。另一位朋友则比较喜欢Buttman's Anal Show #02,他认为这是Monica最出色的一场表演。在这次演出中,Monica和以狂野著称的女演员Laura Angel、著名猛汉Christophe Clark联手打造了一场激情四射的热辣之旅。

   1. Schlimmer geht's nimmer! (2008) .... Monika
   2. Anal Rider (2008) (V)
   3. Apprentass 8 (2008) (V)
   4. The Cream Team 2 (2008) (V)
   5. Swap Meat (2008) (V)
   6. Fantasy All-Stars #5 (2007) (V)
   7. The Breastford Wives (2007) (V) (as Monika Rakocyova) .... Nurse
   8. An Angel & a Sweetheart (2007) (V)
   9. Ass on Tap (2007) (V)
  10. The Creamery 2 (2007) (V)
  11. The Creamery (2007) (V)
  12. Cum Shots 10 (2007) (V)
  13. A Cum Sucking Whore Named Monica Sweetheart (2007) (V)
  14. Fox Hole (2007) (V)
  15. Licensed to Blow (2007) (V)
  16. Mayhem Explosions 6 (2007) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  17. Playgirl: Tantric Sex Secrets (2007) (V)
  18. Pussy Party: A Picks 1 (2007) (V)
  19. Say Goodnight Dick! (2007) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  20. Sperm Swap (2007) (V)
  21. Fuckin' Foreigners (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  22. Foot Fashion Show 2 Jerk Off Encouragement PPV1735 (2006) (V)
  23. Sandy's Club Vol. 2 (2006) (V)
  24. All-Girl Pussy Parade (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  25. Ambushed! (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  26. Anal Xcavators (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  27. Ass Factor 4 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  28. Ass Fucked 5 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  29. Ass Takers 3 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  30. Belladonna: Fetish Fanatic 3 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  31. Best of Semen Shots (2006) (V)
  32. The Cream Team (2006) (V)
  33. Cum Buckets! 6 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  34. Destination Dirtpipe (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  35. Group Sex 5 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  36. Grudge (2006) (V) (as Samantha Sweetheart) .... Hooker 2
  37. Housewife 1 on 1 #3 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  38. I Love Monica (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  39. In Scandal (2006) (V)
      ... aka Scandal (International: English title)
  40. Just Do Me! (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  41. Leg Action 5 (2006) (V) (as Monica)
  42. Lesbian Centerfolds 2 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  43. Lexington: Hard as Steele (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  44. Lick Her Ass Off My Dick (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  45. Lipstick Lesbians (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  46. Liquid Ass-sets 2 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  47. Lord of Asses 7 (2006) (V)
  48. Meet the Fuckers 5 (2006) (V)
  49. Neighbor Affair 1 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  50. O the Power of Submission (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  51. Playgirl: Lessons in Love (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  52. P.O.V. Pussy (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  53. Pussy Party 14: King Klit (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  54. Roughed Up (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  55. Spunk'd 5 (2006) (V)
  56. Switch (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  57. Tera Patrick on Fire (2006) (V)
  58. Veuve, La (2006) (V)
      ... aka The Widow (USA)
  59. Virgin Patrol 2 (2006) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  60. Fuck Me If You Can (2005) (V) .... Brenda Abbani
      ... aka Private Black Label 39: Fuck Me If You Can (International: English title: series title)
  61. FHM Adult Entertainment 2006 (2005) (V)
  62. 50 to 1 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  63. Scenario (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  64. About Face 2 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  65. Anal Hazard 2 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  66. Beautiful/Nasty 3 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  67. The Best by Private 65: Anal Madness (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka Anal Madness (USA)
  68. Best of the Best (2005) (V)
  69. The Chronicles of Nectar (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  70. Cum Hungry Leave Full (2005) (V)
  71. Cum on in 2 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  72. Cumstains 6 (2005) (V)
  73. Drive Thru 3 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  74. Feels Like Love (2005) (V)
  75. Fem: Sonata (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  76. Finger Licking Good 2 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  77. Forever Jessica (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  78. Head Master 1 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  79. Hot Slutty Summer (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  80. Hottest Bitches in Porn (2005) (V)
  81. Instant Lesbian (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  82. Lady Lust (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  83. Latex House Wives (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  84. Lick It Up (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  85. Make Me Gape (2005) (V)
  86. Nasty Dreams (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  87. Nuttin' Hunnies 2 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  88. Orgy Addicts (2005) (V)
  89. Pleasure (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  90. The Private Story of Monika Sweetheart (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  91. The Professianals 9 (2005) (V)
  92. Pure Anal (2005) (V)
  93. Pussy POV 1 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  94. Spunk'd 2 (2005) (V)
  95. Spunk'd 3 (2005) (V)
  96. Squirt for Me P.O.V. (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  97. Street Walker (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
  98. Suck, Fuck, Swallow 2 (2005) (V)
  99. Tic Tac Toe's (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
100. Up'r Class 2 (2005) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
101. World Class Euro Twat (2005) (V)
102. Foot Worship Adventures! (2004) (V)
103. Strip Her Naked/Tie Her Up! (2004) (V)
104. Baby Doll Cheerleaders (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
105. Eye of the Beholder (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
106. Sluts in the Sun (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka When Porn Stars Play... Sluts in the Sun (USA: DVD box title)
107. Bella Loves Jenna (2004) (V) .... Girl in Pink with Christmas Lights
108. 616 DF: El diablo espa?ol vs. Las luchadoras del este (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka 616 DF: License for Sex (International: English title)
      ... aka Wrestle with the Devil (USA)
109. A2m 4 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
110. Alien Love Fantasy (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
111. Anal Addicts 15 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
112. Apprentass (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
113. The Art of Anal 3 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
114. Ass Angels 3 (2004) (V)
115. Assed Out (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
116. Barely Legal 50 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... DVD only
117. Barely Legal All Stars 1 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
118. The Best by Private 62: Private Penthouse Greatest Moments 1 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
119. The Best of Cum Drippers (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
120. Broken English (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
121. Catch Me If You Can (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
122. Catwoman Goes Naked (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
123. Cheeks 14 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
124. Cumstains 5 (2004) (V)
125. Cytherea Is the Show Stopper (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
126. Deep Throat This 20 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
127. Double Stuffed 4 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
128. Droppin' Loads 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
129. Erotic Stories: Lovers and Cheaters (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
130. Filthy Things 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
131. Gentlemen Prefer Anal (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
132. Gina Lynn Reinvented (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
133. Groupie Love (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
134. Her First Anal Sex 1 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
135. Hot Auto Bodies (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
136. Hustler Centerfolds 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
137. Intensitivity 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
138. Internal Cumbustion 4 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
139. Interracial Cum Junkies 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
140. Interracial Sex Shooter 6 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
141. Iron Head 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
142. Lick 'em and Stick 'em (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
143. Mad Skillz (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
144. Monica Mayhem Restrained (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
145. Myne Tease (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
146. A Night at the Bordello (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
147. Porn Star Station (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
148. P.O.V. (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka Peter North's P.O.V. (USA: complete title)
149. Pussy Party 4 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
150. Semen Shots 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
151. Serial Fucker 5 (2004) (V)
152. Share the Load 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
153. Slexy 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
154. Spunk'd (2004) (V)
155. Stick It in My Face! 3 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
156. Strip Tease Then Fuck 5 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
157. Take That! The Biggest Pop Shots of Deep Throat This (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
158. Totally Fucked (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
159. Voracious (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
160. When Big Just Ain't Enough (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
161. White Chicks Gettin' Black Balled 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
162. Young & Anal 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
163. Young Girls in Dark Territory 2 (2004) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
164. Private Sports 5: Surf Fuckers (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
165. P.O.V.: Up Close and Personal (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
166. Jack's Playground 3 (2003) (V)
167. Cumstains (2003) (V)
168. Two in the Seat 3 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
169. Blow Me Sandwich (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
170. Ass Cleavage (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
171. 18 and Ready to Fuck 2 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
172. 18-Year-Old All-Star Whores (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
173. All at Once (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
174. All Star Ass Blast (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
175. Anal Thrills (2003) (V)
      ... aka Lex Drill's Anal Thrills (International: English title)
176. Anal Trainer (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
177. Ass Stretchers (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
178. Bigg Z and the Beauties 5 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
179. Crack Attack (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
180. Crazy Bullets (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
181. Cum Dumpsters 4 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
182. Cumstains 2 (2003) (V)
183. Cum Swapping Sluts 6 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
184. Eye of the Beholder (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
185. Fatale (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
186. Girls on Girls (2003) (V)
187. Grand Theft Anal 2 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
188. Heavy Metal 4 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
189. Hi-teen Club 2 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
190. Hot Bods and Tail Pipe #29 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
191. Just Anal Sex (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
192. Lex on Blondes (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
193. Love Stories (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka Michael Raven's Erotica Series Volume 1: Love Stories (USA: DVD title)
194. Mandingo 5 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
195. Monika Sweetheart AKA Filthy Whore (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
196. Parfum du désir, Le (2003) (V) .... Marie
      ... aka The Scent of Desire (UK)
197. Performing Ass (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
198. Please Cum Inside Me 14 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
199. Pussy Foot'n 4 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
200. Sulfureuse, La (2003) (V)
201. Ten Little Piggies (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
202. Three for All (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
203. Train My White Ass 4 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
204. The Voyeur 26 (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
205. Wet Dreams Cum True (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
206. What Girls Like (2003) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
207. The Best by Private 40: Private's Most Beautiful Breasts (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
208. Hot Showers 4 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
209. 2 on 1 #12 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
210. Devon Stripped (2002) (V) .... Sylvia
      ... aka Stripped (USA)
211. Assault That Ass (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
212. Filthy Little Whores 5 (2002) (V)
213. Buttfaced 3 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
214. Candidate, La (2002) (V)
215. Down the Hatch 7 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
216. Rectal Rooters 2 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
217. Assficianado (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
218. Barefoot Confidential 17 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
219. Barely Legal 23 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
220. Black Cravings 9 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
221. Cum Dumpsters (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
222. Dirty Newcummers 10 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
223. Eager Beavers 4 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
224. Embrujo sexual (2002) (V)
      ... aka The Sexual Spell (UK)
225. Gutter Mouths 24 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
226. Hot Bods and Tail Pipe #22 (2002) (V) .... Monika
227. Luxure (2002) (as Monika Sweetheart)
228. Natacha (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
229. Pornutopia (2002) (V)
230. Psycho Sex (2002) (V)
231. Seductions 1 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka Julian's Seductions 1 (USA: complete title)
232. Squirting Illustrated 5 (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
233. Swap Meat (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
234. Sweet Cheeks (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
235. Tits and Ass (2002) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
236. A Perverted Point of View 3 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
237. Anal Angels in High Heels (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
238. Balls Deep 3 (2001) (V)
239. Rocco Ravishes Prague 4 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
240. The Best by Private 27: Anal Toppers (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
241. Up Your Ass 18 (2001) (V)
242. Asses Galore 16: The Journey to Get in Two Girls' Ass Continues! (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
      ... aka Asses Galore 16 (USA: short title)
243. Immortal (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
244. Rocco: Animal Trainer 6 (2001) (V) (as Monica Sweetheat)
245. Private Matador 5: Sex Trip (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
246. Un-Natural Sex 4 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
247. Bring'um Young 4 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monica Sweetheart
248. My Anal Adventures (2001) (V)
249. Service Animals: The Service Providers (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monica Sweetheart
      ... aka Service Animals (USA: short title)
250. Bombones ba?ados de leche 2 (2001) (V)
251. Nasty Nymphos 30 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
252. 12 coups de minuit, Les (2001) (V) (as Monika)
      ... aka Placeres del nuevo milenio, Los (Spain)
253. The 4 Finger Club 18 (2001) (V)
254. Affaire Katsumi, L' (2001) (V)
255. Anal Addicts 3 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
256. Ass Lovers 3 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
257. Colorsex (2001) (V) .... Miss Yellow
258. Educating Joy (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
259. Evolution (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
260. Exposed (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Nicole
261. Grrl Power! 6 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
262. Innocence (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
263. Mac Daddy (2001) (V) .... Mac Daddys Hottie
264. North Pole #22 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart) .... Monika
265. Sex Meat (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
266. Tatuaje, El (2001) (V)
267. Up and Cummers 91 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
268. Up and Cummers 97 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
269. A Whore's Life Part 1: The Dollhouse (2001)
270. Worldwide Sex 6 (2001) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
271. Lulù (2000) (V) (as Monica Tore)
272. Pirate Video Deluxe 8: The Club (2000) (V)
273. Call Girl (2000) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
      ... aka Penthouse: Variations - The Escort (UK: cut version)
      ... aka Private Penthouse Movies 1: Call Girl (USA)
274. Assman 12 (2000) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
275. Buttman's Anal Show 2 (2000) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
276. Pirate Video Deluxe 11: The Academy (2000) (V) (as Monica Sweethart) .... Student
277. Private Odyssey 2001 Part Two (2000) (V)
278. Siciliana, La (2000) (V) (as Monica Tore) .... Miss Tyra
279. Une nuit au bordel (2000) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)

280. Face Dance Obsession (1999) (V) (as Monika Sweetheart)
281. Die Anmacherinnen 9 - Arschgeile Flittchen (1999) (V) (as Monika Listopadova)



[ 本帖最后由 123mnb56 于 2010-1-11 00:10 编辑 ]
  • 无限好色 金币 +150 感谢原创分享把快乐带给大家! 2009-12-28 21:13
  • 无限好色 原创 +1 感谢原创分享把快乐带给大家! 2009-12-28 21:13




















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